雅思阅读电影:飞越疯人院 英文介绍:
Randle Patrick McMurphy , a criminal who has been sentenced to a fairly short prison term, decides to have himself declared insane so hell be transferred to a mental institution, where he expects to serve the rest of his term in comfort and luxury.
His ward in the mental institution is run by an unyielding tyrant, Nurse Ratched , who has cowed the patients, most of whom are there by choice, into dejected institutionalized submission. McMurphy becomes ensnared in a number of power games with Nurse Ratched for the hearts and minds of the patients. All the time, however, the question is just how sane any of the players in the ward actually are.
Throughout his short stay at the hospital, McMurphy forms deep friendships with two of his fellow patients: Billy Bibbit , a suicidal, stuttering manchild whom Ratched has humiliated and dominated into a quivering mess; and Chief Bromden , a 65 muscular Native American who has schizophrenia. Recognized by the patients in the ward as deaf, and unable to speak, they ignore him but also respect him for his enormous size. In the former, McMurphy sees a younger brother figure whom he wants to teach to have fun, while the latter is his only real confidant, as they both understand what it is like to be treated into submission.
McMurphy initially insults Chief when he enters the ward, but attempts to use his size as an advantage . Later, both are suspended, along with patient Charlie Cheswick , for being involved in a fight with the male nurses, and are sent to a detention area. Cheswick is sent first to undergo shock therapy, while McMurphy and Chief wait on the bench. During this time, McMurphy offers Chief a piece of gum, and Chief verbally thanks him. A surprised McMurphy realizes that Chief can speak and has actually been faking his situation at the ward the whole time. This leads McMurphy to allow Chief in on his escape plan because of his hidden wisdom. Ending this scene, a more defiant McMurphy emerges from the detention area to an awaiting Nurse Ratched.
One night, December 10, 1963, McMurphy sneaks into the nurses station and calls his girlfriend to bring booze and assist in his escape. She brings a girlfriend, and both enter the ward. The patients drink, while Billy flirts with McMurphys girlfriend.
Nurse Ratched commands the nurses to clean up the patients and conduct a head count. When they discover that one patient is missing, Nurse Ratched threatens to tell Billys mother and he begs her not to. When she explains that he should have thought of the consequences, he breaks down into tears. When left alone momentarily, he commits suicide. After McMurphy sees what the ward has done to his friend, he explodes into a violent rage, strangling Nurse Ratched until she is near death. She survives, but McMurphy is taken away yet again for punishment-a lobotomy operation.
Chief, unwilling to leave McMurphy behind, suffocates his vegetable-like friend with a pillow. 39;m not goin without you, Mac. I wouldnt leave you this way. Youre coming with me. He lifts a heavy marble hydrotherapy fountain and, hurling it through a barred window, escapes to Canada.
麦克默菲由于厌恶监狱里的强制劳动,装作精神异常而被送进了精神病院。 自从他来到后,本来平静的精神病院就发生了一连串的事件。
精神病院远非是麦克默菲想像中的遥的避难所。 遥长拉契遥定了一整套秩序,一切都要以此为准则。 病人们受到了严格的管制,还不时的受到她的侮辱和折磨。 麦克默菲对拉契特的行为十分不满,不时以冷嘲热讽的方式对她加以攻击。 在精神病院里,病人们被剥夺了遥地追求自己生存遥的力量。 拉契特处处和麦克默菲为难。 她用大音量的刺耳音乐折磨病人们,并冷酷地拒遥降低音量的要求。 在酷爱棒球的麦克默菲提出看世界锦标赛的实况转播时,拉契特又想方设法推搪拒遥。 虽然麦克默菲较后得到了高大的印第安人酋长的支持,凑够了表决的票数,但拉契特却又以表决时间已过为借口而拒遥打开电视机。
麦克默菲想让病人们打起精神,快乐的生活一天。 他把病人们带上了汽车,来到了一个小港口。 他们偷了一条船,到远海钓鱼作乐。 病人们欣喜若狂,过了十分快乐的一天。 回来后,麦克默菲受到了惩罚。 但不久,他就又把自己的女友和另一个女人弄到了医院,闹得天翻地覆。 闻迅赶来的拉契特侮辱了病人比利,使他割脉遥,而冷酷的拉契特却无动于衷。 这使原想要逃离病院的麦克默菲再也抑制不住怒火,他扑上去掐住了拉契特的脖子。 拉契特没有死,可麦克默菲却受到了较惨无人道的待遇。 病院切除了他的脑白质,使他成了一个完遥全的遥。 酋长悲痛地将他搂在怀里,用枕头闷死了这个实际上已经死亡的生命。