

每日雅思词汇:元宵节 闹元宵

2025-01-30 01:27:55浏览:
每日雅思词汇:元宵节 闹元宵  元宵节The Lantern Festival   元宵the rice glue ball   灯谜riddles written on lanterns   猜灯谜solve riddles on the lanterns   灯花snuff   舞龙/舞狮lions/dragons dancing   家庭团圆family reunion   灯会exhibit of lanterns   汤圆:glue pudding;sweet soup balls;sweet dumplings   在英国人们是这么称呼汤圆的;rice ball;glutinous rice balls;rice dumpling;glutino.
  烟花 :fireworks.
  庙会 temple fair;   剪纸paper-cuts ;   元宵节祝福对联:   上联:Study hard, work hard, make money more and more.
  下联:Eat well, sleep well, have fun day by day.