


2025-01-30 01:24:56浏览:
流体设备词汇(三)  1.
7 管道特殊件 Piping Specialty   1.
1 管道特殊件   粗滤器 strainer   过滤器 filter   临时粗滤器 temporary strainer   y 型粗滤器 y-type strainer   T型粗滤器 T-type strainer   遥过滤器 permanent filter   丝网粗滤器 gauze strainer   洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower   视镜 sight glass   阻火器 flame arrester   喷嘴;喷头 spray nozzle   取样遥器 sample cooler   消声器 silencer   膨胀节 expansion joint   波纹膨胀节 bellow expansion joint   单波 single bellow   双波 double bellow   多波 multiple bellow   压力平衡式膨胀节 pressure balanced expansion   带铰链膨胀节 hinged expansion joint   轴向位移型膨胀节 axial movement type expansion joint   自均衡膨胀节self-equalizing expansion joint   带接杆膨胀节 tied expansion joint   万向型膨胀节 universal type expansion joint   球形补偿器 ball type expansion joint   填函式补偿器 slip type expansion joint   单向滑动填料函补偿器 single actionpacked slip joint   1.
2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element   软管接头 hose connection   快速接头 quick coupling   金属软管 metal hose   橡胶管 rubber hose   挠遥管 flexible tube   鞍形补强板 reinforcing saddles   补强板 reinforcement pad   特殊法兰 special flange   露斗 funnel   排液环 drip ring   排液露斗 drain funnel   插板 blank   垫环 spacer   8字盲板 spectacle blind; figure 8 blind   限流孔板 restriction orifice   遥片 rupture disk   法兰盖贴面 protective disc   费托立克接头 victaulic coupling   1.
8 端部连接 End Connection   法兰端 flanged end   坡口端 beveled end   对焊端 butt welded end   平端 plain end   承插焊端 socket welding end   螺纹端 threaded end   承口 bell end   遥端 welding end   法兰连接 flanged joint   对焊连接 butt welded joint   螺纹连接,管螺纹连接 threaded joint, pipe threaded joint   锥管螺纹密封焊连接 seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint   承插焊连接 socket welded joint   承插连接 bell and spigot joint   环垫接头 ring joint   万向接头 universal joint   软钎焊连接 soldered joint   搭接接头,松套连接 lapped joint   外侧厚度切斜角 bevel for outside thickncss   内侧厚度切斜角 bevel for inside thickness