雅思写作Task 1的图形种类及描述方法 泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table
饼图:pie chart
直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram
趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram
流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram
程序图:processing/procedures diagram
The table/chart diagram/graph shows
According to the table/chart diagram/graph
As shown in the table/chart diagram/graph
As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,
figures/statistics shows . . .
It can be seen from the figures/statistics
We can see from the figures/statistics
It is clear from the figures/statistics
It is apparent from the figures/statistics
table/chart/diagram/graph figures . . .
table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how
阅卷考官经常是不会看那些图表的,因此文章必须逻辑清晰,如果描述得能令人在脑海里勾画出那个data chart,这篇task1无疑会达到8分的水平。 开篇的遥句话可以是一句高度概括遥的introduction;这样做不仅使文章更趋于遥,而且可以达到凑字数的目的。 接下来另起一段开始进行描述,这当中经常要连续遥非限定遥定于从句,从而使得描述过程流畅、清晰。 较后也可再另起一段进行简短的综述。 上述的任何一个步骤都要遵循依据现有data进行客观描述的原则,任何推测遥或议论遥的内容写得再多、再精彩不仅不会加分,而且还会成为扣分的因素。