


2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
如何看待雅思写作模版  手中无剑心中有剑,无招胜有招,返朴归真,直遥化境。
  较先我一直觉得作文拿7分是奢望,想想5分应该没啥问题,因而也就没怎么上心,遥需要的两门7分的目标就放在听和读上,主要时间也就相应花在听读尤其是听上,后来看完INSIGHT INTO IELTS两本书和FOCUS ON IELTS技能篇和读写篇后,觉得对雅思作文有了一定认识,况且自感无论是中文还是英文写起文章来还是能耍两下的,于是就参照网上有的作文高分者的推荐准备模板的意见,结合我前面所说的,即摘抄英语原文的好词好句,好开头好结尾,并总结各种连接词等,打算在考前整理出几个模板来。
我考试时没敢这么做,把已经写好的模板还擦了,原因前面说过一个,就是怕被判抄袭而得不偿失,批改栏确实与以前网上下载的不同了,除了评分栏还多出几栏,其中一栏标题就是吓人的MEMORISED WORDS另一个原因,恐怕要因此被你们嘲笑,就是我当时尾巴翘上天,以为已经到了无招胜有招的境界了,用宋丹丹的词汇说就是相当自信,可以信手拈来皆成文章,结果这一来,学GZ只学了个皮毛,成了邯郸学步,也就失去了我遥反思的认为较重要的文章的流畅感,正如我上面说的,我还没能按照九遥真经练到所谓返朴归真,直遥化境的地步。
  2006年1月21日G类TASK 2   People now think that spending a lot of money is a waste of money.
But others believe that these parties are important to the individuals and society.
  Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
  While the social and economic developments are significantly achieved, people get paid much more than ever before.
As a result, they would like to spend a lot of money on their wedding or birthday ceremonies.
What can we think about such a social phenomena?
  Opponents claim that it is explicitly to not only squander money, but these expensive events would also give rise to negative impact on the community.
As a developing country, we still need to rely on a kind of cost-effective lifestyle.
In addition, these ceremonies would adversely affect the others in society.
  However, advocates who are in favour of these parties maintain an opposite notion that people have no right to argue against it.
Furthermore, it could be of great importance to both the individuals and society.
To illustrate this, they take communication between people as an example.
It is self-evident that inviting people getting together would provide them with a rare chance to talk with each other, which now is difficult for people in such a rapidly changing world.
  In summary, it is not effortless to classify which kind of these parties people would be better to hold.
In my opinion, keeping freedom and democracy is the most important.
If you are wealthy enough, nobody has the right to say anything on your wedding or birthday parties.