雅思写作练习:驾车的成本 雅思写作如何在日常生活中去练习? 以下是雅思网为大家分享的读Economist,学雅思写作,以下是详细内容
REAL incomes have stagnated
in many rich countries and family budgets are feeling the pinch. In Britain
fuel costs 50% more than it did in 2007.
But petrol prices are just one of the costs of running a car; owners also have to
fork out for insurance, road tax
and servicing. Using data from the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company,
the chart below shows the total cost of buying a family car ) in selected cities in 2010, then running it for
three years. London car-owners may be surprised to see that they are no
worse off than motorists in many
other rich countries. Generally, where running costs are high,
this is offset by cheaper car prices, and vice versa.
Since 2005-07, in cities where the total cost of running a car has actually fallen,
in Amsterdam, Moscow and
Shanghai) this is largely thanks to lower car prices. It is possible that some of
the higher purchase price in emerging-market cities like
Shanghai can be attributed to import costs for higher-end brands such as Mercedes and Audi, which were used to allow international comparison.
以上就是雅思网为大家整理的雅思写作练习:驾车的成本,非常实用。 更多资讯、资料尽在雅思网。 较后,雅思网预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!