雅思小作文常用句式之总结句 下面雅思为大家整理了雅思小作文常用句式之总结句,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。
1. 总体而言,昂立托雅学院在2007年间招生人数和营业收入都呈现出了非常快的发展局面。
To sum up, the student enrollment and the sales realized at Onlytoya College in 2007 both
achieved rapid development.
2. 总体而言,托雅雅思和托福两个项目在2006年至2007年两年间的发展虽然有些不均衡,但发
To sum up, the two programs offered at ToyaIELTS and TOEFL, showed a strong momentum
of development though it was unbalanced.
3. 总体而言,托雅教师的收入状况在图表所标识的时段里呈现了非常乐观的增长。
To sum up, the income of Toya teachers showed a very optimistic growth during the designated
period of time.
4. 总体而言,随着雅思考试在遥境内场次的增加,参加雅思考试的人数呈现出了非常快的增长。
To sum up, with the increase of IELTS in China, the number of IELTS candidates showed a fast
5. 总体而言,在图表所标识的时段里,托雅学生在饭店就餐的频率在不断提高。
To sum up, during the designated period of time, the frequency of Toya students eating out at
restaurants revealed a constant increase.
6. 总体而言,托雅总部及其五个分校的招生在图表所标识的时段里呈现出了非常快的发展。
To sum up, the student enrollment at Toya Headquarters and its five branch schools revealed a
very quick development during the designated period of time.
7. 总体而言,从托雅学生信息资料的分析可以看出:大多数人是为了出国目的的。
To sum up, through the analysis of the students information at Toya, we find that the majority
of them wanted to go abroad.
8. 总体而言,学雅思的学生的家庭背景总的来讲要优越于托福学生的家庭背景。
To summarize, the family backgrounds of the students studying for IELTS were generally
superior to the family backgrounds of those who studied for TOEFL.
9. 总体而言,在图表所标识的时段里,托雅女生比男生雅思考试成绩要高出很多。
To summarize, the IELTS scores of girls were much higher than those of boys at Toya during the
designated period of time.
10. 总体而言,在图表所标识的时段里,参加雅思考试的男遥比例要远远高于参加托福考试的男遥
To summarize, the percentage of male IELTS candidates was much higher than that of male
TOEFL candidates during the designated period of time.
以上就是雅思为大家整理的雅思小作文常用句式之总结句,非常实用。 更多资讯、资料尽在雅思。 较后,雅思预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!