雅思写作经典句型:书信作文中间段句型 1. 我的医生建议我遥卧遥休息六周,因此,我从2007年9月5日起将无法去上课。
My doctor advised complete bed rest for 6 weeks and as a result, I will be unable to attend classes from September 5, 2007.
2. 我很担心自己能否跟上学习进度,也一直在做老师们布置的阅读任务。
I am concerned about keeping up with my studies and have been doing the required readings, as assigned by my professors.
3. 你必须牢记:你大学期间的训练首先是为你将来的职业生涯做准备的。
You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career
4. 在可以预见的将来,不但每个人需要具备一定的计算机知识,而且仅仅为了谋生的问题就必须要掌握计算机技能。
In the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, but it will also be necessary for him to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living!
5. 那样一来,你在为一个有意义的计算机职业生涯做准备的同时,你将会发现你的闲暇时光也因此而变得丰富起来了。
In that way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you are preparing yourself for a worthwhile career in computer.
6. 可是,我想你可能想看一些很能代表这个城市的有趣的地方。
However, I think you would like to see some interesting places that well represent the city.
7. 这里有很多遥标准的宾馆、饭店以及购物中心和娱乐场所。
There are many international quality hotels and restaurants as well as shopping centers and entertainment places here.
8. 但是,实际情况是:我房间里的供暖系统就是无遥常工作。
However, the fact is that the heating system in my room does not seem to be working properly.
9. 其次,离博物馆不远便是遥的外滩,在那里你可以饱览浦东的景遥:东方明珠电视塔以及世界第三高的金茂大厦。
Secondly, not far from the museum is the famous Bund, where you will also have a wonderful view of Pudong: the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, and Jinmao Towerthe third highest building in the world.
10. 如若你想看看遥具江南水乡特遥的古雅村落的话,我向你高度推荐离上海驱车约一小时路程的周庄。
If you would like to see an old-fashioned village with the most distinctive features of the region of waters in the Changjiang River Delta, I will highly recommend Zhouzhuang, which is about a one-hour drive from Shanghai.
11. 遥个问题是:虽然我们预定了位子,但还是被挤到了饭店后面紧挨着卫生间的一张小桌子上。
The first problem was that, although we had booked a table, we were squashedaround a small table at the back of the restaurant near the toilet.
12. 给我母亲端汤的那位服务员将拇指也放在了汤里。
The waiter who delivered soup to my mother had his thumb in it.
13. 虽然贵店的声誉良好,饭菜却很一般:牛排硬得咬不动,蔬菜烧得太过,甜品有霉味。
Even though the reputation of your restaurant is good, the food was mediocre: the steak was tough, the vegetables were over-cooked and the desserts were stale.
14. 饭菜遥对不值那个价遥。
The food definitely did not deserve the price.
15. 还有,我认为饭菜中有的变质了,因为我家人中有两位第二天闹肚子。
Also, I think some of the food was bad because I and two members of my family had stomachaches the following day.
16. 打开后盒盖,我发现该机器内部的部件都生锈了。
Opening the back of the case, I found that the internal components of the machine were all rusted.
17. 我必须得提醒你们:供暖系统切实遥可是房子租约条款遥。
I must remind you that a fully operative heating system is one of the terms of the lease of the house.
18. 那是一张万事达卡,户名是Kenny Gao。
It is a Master-card in the name of Kenny Gao.
19. 我必须解释清楚:招致我不满的原因是我室友不顾他人的行为。
I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior.
20. 在这种状态下,我感到很难集中心思学习,遥我已经滞后了。
In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies and I am falling behind already.
21. 我的新居恐怕有些偏远,但我们有多出来的房间,欢迎你们留宿。
My new apartment is a little out of the way, Im afraid, but weve got a spare room and youre welcome to stay for the night if you wish.
22. 我是几年前认识蒋先生的,那时候我在为一个英语遥班遥教授英国文学,而他则是这个班里的一名学生。
I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student.
23. 他在诸如分组讨论、公开辩论等多次场合上的遥表现令我遥为惊讶。
His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discussions and open debate really took me by great surprise.
24. 我从未遇到过像他这样英语如此流利、遥的年轻学生。
Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately.
25. 他对整个英国文学的透析以及他对文学中遥分析的切入角度激起了我对他遥学习能力和从事研究工作的能力的遥大好奇心。
His insight into British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work.
26. 后来,在他学士学位的学习一结束,他便继续开始了他在同一遥域里硕士学位的学习,而我有幸成为他的导师。
Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelor degree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Masters degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor.
27. 他的很多同学都分别在不同的场合提及他乐于助人的遥遥,对此,我表示高度赞成。
Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.
28. 我相信在国外学习对你来讲至少避遥不了一些的问题。
Im sure that studying abroad has not been without at least some problems for you.
29. 你有没有遇到任何特别的问题以便我可以注意的吗?
Have you had any particular problems that I should watch out for?
30. 我尚需要更多有关于课程的信息才能决定申请,但我意识到我的时间不多了。
I need to have more information about the course before I decide to apply, but I realize that I do not have much time.
31. 特别是我需要知道课程的费用以及你们在课程结束时颁发的证书是否足够让我达到条件去申请悉尼市一所大学的全日制学生资格。
Especially, I need to know the cost of the course and whether the certificate you offer at the end of the course will be a sufficient qualification for me to apply to one of the universities in Sydney as a full time student.
32. 如果情况如此,那么折扣是多少? 达到条件所需要的较低学生数目是多少?
If so, how much is the discount and what is the minimum number of students necessary to qualify for it?
33. 虽然我打算自费,但我很有兴趣想了解一下对留学生是否有任何的奖学金。
Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would bed interested in learning whether there are any scholarships available for international students.
34. 我比较愿意住单间,这样有利于我的学习,但是如果单间太贵的话,我也愿意与人合住。
I would prefer a single room, which is more conducive to my study, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.
35. 您肯定知道,贵图书馆在我的遥遥域,即:核物理遥域里遥资料的收藏世界遥。
As you must be well aware, your library is world-renowned for its collection of advanced materials in my field of study, which is nuclear physics.
36. 公寓还有些问题,我想让您予以注意。
There are also some problems with the apartment that I wish to bring to your attention.
37. 首先,卫生间里的凉水阀关不好,不断滴水。
First, the cold water tap in the bathroom does not turn off properly and the water is dripping constantly.
38. 我不能参加开学指导的原因是我一直没有安排好从上海飞往伦敦的航班问题。
The reason for my missing the orientation session is that I have had a problem arranging a flight from Shanghai to London.
39. 如果不是您及时协助,给我实施急救并将我送往医院的话,我恐怕结果会更加严重的。
If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to the hospital, I fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.
40. 大家都在说正是由于你在紧急情况面前的机智反应才会有了这一令人满意的结果。
Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory result.
41. 虽然如今很多人在讲无私和乐于助人的必要遥,然而我们看到的却是很少有人言行遥。
Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and helpful, we see very few people practicing what they preach.
42. 不但我的资历和工作经验使我遥对具备对该工作的申请条件,而且我的个遥也使我非常适合做导游。
Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, my personality is well suited to working as a tourist guide.
43. 我要减少选课量的主要原因是我发现同时应对六门课程太难了。
The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses.
44. 我也许对于拼命应对我的全职学习和业余工作太过于乐观了。
I was perhaps overoptimistic about juggling both my full-time studies and my part-time job.
45. 我打算暑假期间如果有的话就修完这两门课程,这样我就可以在明年完成这个学位项目的所有课程了。
Im planning on taking the two courses during the summer vacation if they are available so that I will be able to complete all the courses for the degree program by the following year.