

雅思写作范文:Government Fund

2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思写作范文:Government Fund  To a great extent, the 21st century can be viewed as an age of material satisfaction in most parts of the world comparing with the past.
Thus lead to pursue of spiritual satisfaction in artistic forms.
Whether should government fund more art projects or not has became an disputed problem,the opponents think that it is inappropriate for government investing a lot in art programs and government should spend more money on pragmatic things , such as , peoples basic needs, technology, education, environment protection, public transportation, or even exploring outer space.
  As far as I can see, the answer boils down to what you think you are.
A meat machine or a spiritual being.
For a meat machine, naturally anything that is not about physical survival is very secondary.
For a spiritual being, art plays an indispensable role in life.
To most people, art is nice, but fades besides the everyday problems of physical survival, housing, food, money, children, etc.
  However most people have ignored the fact that art is universal everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis.
From the houses we live in to the movies we see to the books that we read .
Even in ancient culture art has played a crucial role.
In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history.
In biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ.
Throughout time art has recorded history.
Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and beliefs, and it can record the experiences of all people.
Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it.
It might be religious, symbolic, literal, traditional, customary, or just a preference by the artist.
  Based on that, I feel it pretty clear that art is not a mere luxury, but rather a vital ingredient in the lives of the peoples of Earth.
  Art enriches peoples spiritual life of the time, left the generations to have a valuable legacy, and overall make a good part of human civilization for ever.
Without them, human civilization might take on another look undesirable to us all.
  Therefore funds for artist projects like the paintings and the sculptures at the public place are quite necessary, which not only promote the widest possible public access to works of art but also promote acquisitions.
I think that an intermediate position can be taken: governments should continue invests money in art programs but this money should be spent very carefully and efficiently.
At the same time, funds should also be raised for educational system and uplifting the living standards, improving facilities, developing the modern technology and helping people in need and so on.