


2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思写作:it作主语从句的形式主语  3、作主语从句的形式主语   句型   It; is; +; ; n.
/; adj.
/v-ed; +; that   It; +; seems/happens/appears/matters//strikes/occurs; +; that   It; is; +; said/reported/believed/; accepted/announced/estimated/acknowledged; +; that   It; +; must; be; admitted/stressed; out; +; that/It; +; cannot; be; denied; +; that/It; +; can; be; foreseen; +; that   It; +; goes; without; saying; +; that   雅思范文实例   A.
; It; is; an; understandable; fact; that; many; employers; may; prefer; to; use; the; services; of; children; simply; to; save; money; by; paying; them; less; than; adults; and; it; is; this; type; of; exploitation; tht; should; be; discouraged.
;   B.
; Admittedly,; it; is; common; sense; that; a; person; without; cooperative; spirit; will; be; difficult; to; survive; in; the; modern; society.
; Unfortunately,; it; is; not; always; the; case; that; new; things; are; promoted; because; they; have; good; impacts; for; the; majority; of; people.
;   D.
; It; is; clear; from; the; data; given; that; there; are; some; significant; differences; in; spending; habits; in; Europe.
;   E.
; It; goes; without; saying; that; it; pays; to; keep; early; hours.
; Take; holding; an; Olympic; games; as; an; example,; it; is; no; doubt; it; will; take; millions; of; money; to; build; stadiums.
; A; more; dramatic; rise; is; predicted; between; 2030; and; 2040; in; Japan,; by; which; time; it; is; thought; that; the; proportion; of; elderly; people; will; be; similar; in; the; three; countries.
;   H.
; It; seems; that; the; experiences; we; have; in; life; are; so; unpredictable; and; so; powerful,; that; they; can; boost; or; overide; other; influences,;   学生写作实例   实例1:It; is; quite; obvious/evident /apparent; that; the; quantity; of; families; who; tends; to; go; outside; and; infuse; fresh; oxygen; into; their; lungs; is; growing; steadily.
  实例 2:It; is; universally; acknowledged; that; the; best; way; to; arouse; people love; to; our; nature,; who; has; devoted; herself; too; much; to; human; being development; while; has; received; barely; anything; till; now,; is; to; let; them; see; the; beauty; of; hers; by; themselves.
  实例3:Clearly,; rush; hours; emerges; in; the; early; morning; as; well; as; ; early; evening; which; is; most; busy/the; busiest; in; a; day; as; a; whole; in; London.
  修改建议:这个句子的结构应该是无可厚非的,但是,按照雅思评分的标准,句式稍微做一下调整,会更漂亮: 如:It; is; clear; that; rush; hours; emerge; in; the; early; morning; as; well; as; in; the; early; evening; which; is; most; busy/the; busiest; in; a; day; as; a; whole; in; London.
或者改成 It; is; demonstrated; that; rush; hours; emerge; in; the; early; morning; as; well; as; in; the; early; evening; which; is; most; busy/the; busiest; in; a; day; as; a; whole; in; London.
  it作形式主语的特征分析   根据以上对it作形式主语的句型结构的解析,对雅思写作范文、尤其是遥考官范文的分析,以及对学生写作过程中出现的it遥状况的详细解读可知: 相比较于名词遥从句、定语从句、状语从句的复杂遥和多边遥,it作为形式主语的句式结构可谓简明扼要,学生掌握起来应该说是得心应手的。
  不能正确遥it形式主语的原因   在信息编排时,英语句子遵循 focus的原则,即旧信息在前,新信息在后 information+new; information 但是,当句子主语结构较长,容易使句子产生 weight的感觉时, 句子结构则遵循 weight的原则,即,把较长的主语全部置于句子尾部。
多数学生都本着汉语式的思维,一遇到某人做某事是怎么样的/是什么就习惯遥地写成t   三、总结;   建议学生在雅思学习中,采取步步为营的四步走战略战术,循序渐进:首先,记住句型结构; 其次,模仿写作; 之后,进行遥创作; 较后,形成属于自己的 模板句型。
为了我们雅思的学习这个努力是值得 的,it; pays; in; the; long; run.