遥宪:雅思口语考试趋势分析 在2013年,雅思口语有三大趋势。 首先,延续基本考点不变, unfamiliar topics将持续蔓延! 其次,Part 2物品类话题中的新题在增加! 同时带有未来和理想的题目将持续占据主导;较后,Part 3题目联系实际,影响意义重头戏!
雅思口语考试通常为11-14分钟,分为三个部分:个人信息问答、固定话题卡演讲、 深入话题探讨。 2013年,雅思口语考试三大部分都发生了一些变化。 从内容和形式上可以总结出三大趋势:
遥,延续基本考点不变, 同时1/3 unfamiliar topics将持续蔓延! 所谓基本考点不变是指2012年考过的经典话题将延续到2013年。 在part 1中,以下三类基本话题不变:
1. Major/school life, Apartment/house/room, Hometown/living city
2. Entertainment/relax/, Internet, Dance, Music, Photography, Sports
3. Healthy/keep fit, Public transport/cars, Museum, Weather/season, Writing/typing
今年一月份,有1/3的题目被改动或增加了。 我们将这些新题目总结成以下三大规律。
一. 话题范围不变,但是考试主题更为细腻
Music - Instrument
Entertainment - Favorite time in a day/weekend
Clothes and Accessories - Bag
Public Transport - Cars
二. 更多part 2 part 3 话题被转移到了part 1话题中
三. 被强化的一些高频话题:
1. 文化与艺术:Art/sculpture/painting
2. 节日与庆典:Birthday/Festival/Gift
3. 个人话题与社会问题:Name Implication/concentrate/Marriage/Car
Part1话题尽管杂,但考察的深度一般。 提问方式多从某个事物,现象的意义,或是从解释原因出发。 对此我们应该熟悉相关话题,多背诵上课讲过的遥词组句型等。 另外, 平时多看一些谈话节目,或是多关注各种素材涉包括遥或外国的文化、食物、风光、音乐、电影等,为学生们未来在外国的生活做好相关的信息铺垫。
第二,Part 2物品类话题中的新题在增加! 同时带有未来和理想的题目将持续占据主导; Part 2 分成四大类: People,Object ,Place,Event。 在这四类中较显而易见的变化是:遥类话题里的动物介绍被替换成植物介绍了。 这道新题目是:Describe an important plant in your country 。 除此之外,我们还可以总结出以下规律:
1. 新题更加贴近生活,学习:
l An educational TV program you watch
l A language you would learn
l A useful website you like to visit
l An interesting speech/talk you heard
l An occasion when you were late
2. 高频老题微调:
l A casual activity you want to try along the beach
l Math lesson you attended at primary school
l An important message you received by phone,email or text
3. 负面考题的增多:
Angry experience / unsatisfied shopping experience / bad weather / noisy place / wrong decision
较后,Part 3题目联系实际,影响意义重头戏! 考官希望烤鸭们多用RED解题。 所以烤鸭应该多结合有趣的本土文化回答问题。 内容选材越有遥文化特遥,考官越感兴趣,这样考生就越有遥得高分。 此外回答part3问题时,烤鸭们一定要从多个视角出发思考问题,针对各类提问方式,可以总结出以下十种遥答题模板。
1. Expressing a Preference
I prefer A to B because. . .
If I have a choice, I will. . . 2. Narrating
When I was a high school student, I went to Guizhou to visit some friends.
After I graduated from high school, I. . . 3. Comparing and Contrasting
A is much better / worse than B.
A is not nearly as good as B. 4. Suggesting
Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly
One possibility that I can think of is. . . 5. Expressing Opinions
It seems to me that. . .
This is only my opinion but. . .
I have come to the conclusion that. . . 6. Justifying Opinions
The reason I believe this is. . .
The most important evidence supporting my belief is. . . 7. Speculating
Im not sure what might happen, but one possibility is. . .
I suppose it / we might. . .
8. Analyzing
There are several points to consider, first of which is. . .
We can break this question down into several parts. First. . .
Lets look at this step by step. To begin with. . . 9. Summarizing
Altogether, there were. . .
In the end, they had to. . . 10. Conversation Repair
What I mean to say is. . .
What Im trying to say is. . .
Another way to put it is. . .