雅思口语话题卡:A Traditional Event A Traditional Event
Describe an important traditional event .
You should say:
when this event is held
who attends this event
what people do during this event
and explain why this event is important.
Traditions in Your Country
1、Does your country have what we could call traditional food?
2、Do you have traditional dress in your country?
3、What are some other important traditions in your country?
4、Do you think its important to maintain traditions?
5、What is the value of traditions?
6、Are young people very attracted to traditional things?
7、Why are some people more attracted to foreign culture than their own culture?
8、Do you think this is a good thing?
9、Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future?
10、If a tradition disappears in one generation, do you think its possible for it to return in the next generation?
11、How do you think the loss of traditions could be prevented?