雅思口语话题卡:A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching
Describe a sporting event you enjoyed watching.
You should say:
what event it was
what happened at this event
who you watched it with
and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.
Sport in Your Country
1、Is sport very popular in your country?
2、In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?
3、Is there much difference between men and women when it comes to playing sport?
4、Who are most interested in sport?
5、Do people in your country prefer to play team sports or individual sports?
6、Do people prefer to attend sports events or to watch them on TV?
Sport and TV
1、Do people in your country like to watch sporting event on TV?
2、Are there lots of sporting event played on TV?
3、Do you think theres too much sport on TV?