雅思口语范文:Noise 雅思口语考试中关于噪音Noise话题经常出现,一般考官会问你介意有噪音么,遥哪些城市噪音比较大等等。 下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。
What natural sound do you like ?
I like chirping. Birds chirping always cheers me up in the morning.
What sounds do you dislike?
I hate the sounds made by finger nails on chalk board because it annoys me and make me feel nervous.
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
I remember when I was a kid and I visited my grandparents house every summer, the sound of their screen door opening brings my mind back to those times in my life.
What music do you like the most?
I love all kinds of music, mostly alternative rock, rap and pop. They are popular among young people, making them feel energetic and cool.
Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
I absolutely love libraries. Every time I am in library I can study efficiently and effectively. Moreover, there are a lot of reading materials available which brings convenience to the research.
What are some places where there is a lot of noise?
I live in the centre of the city. Every day I struggle with noise making by the cars which makes me headaches and nervous. I cant sleep well so I am going to buy some ear plugs and hopes they work me magic.
Do you mind noises?
Yes. There is a lot of noise outside my room. I cant avoid it although I shut my door. I cant focus on anything so I need some techniques to tackle this problem of noise pollution.
What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?
Loud music on the street and the noise made by cars, trams and phone calls are all noise I cant stand. Also, people talking constantly drive me nuts. I think the world is getting noisier, I know it is harder to find a quiet place anymore.
Are there any sounds that you like?
I like the sound of rain, waves crashing and the wind brushing threw the trees. All those natural sounds cheer me up.
Are cities becoming noisier?
Yes. I think the world is getting noisier and it is harder to find a quiet place anymore. I need a place without noise pollution but it is impossible.
What are some of the advantages of quiet places?
Quiet places help people focus and sleep. Also, quiet places makes you get rid of all the pressure from work and it helps you to think. Moreover, far from noise pollution is good for your health.
Would you like to work in a noisy place?
It depends on what kind of noise. If it is music in the background I would quite like it. If it is construction site noise it kills me.