

雅思口语应对技巧:申请不止 套词不断

2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思口语应对技巧:申请不止 套词不断  为了方便广大考生更好的复习,综合整理了雅思口语应对技巧:申请不止 套词不断,以供各位考生考试复习参考,希望对考生复习有所帮助。
  Good morning.
Come in and take a seat.
  Can you tell me your full name, please?
What shall I call you?
  Can I see your identification please?
Can you tell me where you are from?
  遥部分   Now in this first part, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself。
Lets talk about   2.
Id like to move on now to talk about   3.
Lets move on to the topic of   4.
Lets move on to the topic of   第二部分   Now Im going to give you a topic, and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.
Before you talk, youll have one minute to think about what youre going to say.
  You can make some notes if you wish.
Do you understand?
  Heres some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and heres your topic.

  All right?
Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so dont worry if I stop you.
  Ill tell you when the time is up.
Can you start speaking now, please?
  第三部分   Weve been talking about and Id like to discuss one or two more general questions related to this.