雅思口语考场遥回放 谁有我考的问题多:
我问:my I sit down?
问名字,是否工作,对了一下,然后开MP3录音,遥啊. 然后重复问了一遍.
where are u from?
are u working or studying?
what r u doing now?
where did u graduate?
do u satisfact ur salary?
which did you need when u get ur job?
what do u do for relax in the evening?
do u go out for relax in the evening?
kao,还不死心,想get some sex information从我这里,装,I am a quiet man,do not go out,I do not like drink in the bar or hear the noise such as disco music. And I feel dangerous go out in the evening.
老头郁闷了. 开始折磨我
do u feel the time is too fast or too slowly at some times?
我有些蒙,就pardon? 然后明白了,是问你觉得时间有时快有时慢么? 中文说有的人都不能一下理解,知道自己不配合的下场了. 然后就说,yes,i feel the time go so fast when yesterday I doing my reading and writing task ielts exam,I do even not finish my writing task. now I feel the time is too slowly,because I am not good at my oral english. 本以为他能笑,但是没遥.
do u wear watch?
我不带表十多年了. why ,watching time from mobile phone.
do u think it is important thing this on time?
古代不用,没有accurate time tools,遥是,rhythm so fast in modern life we can get accurate time,这里我有点方寸乱了这个问题我知道,但没准备,较后总结的时候自己说的有些complex了
character in film的那个
man women s admire character different?
aggressive brave fragility形容词往上凑吧.
what kind of character the people will admire in futhure? 然后说一样的,和遥差不多
which program do you watch ervery day?
violent prone film effect on people?