雅思口语话题范文Monkey 雅思口语话题范文:Monkey
遥雅思栏目为大家带来的是《雅思口语话题范文:Monkey 》,也是2014年雅思比较热门的口语话题,希望对正在准备雅思口语的烤鸭们有所帮助。
题目一:Where Do Monkeys Live?
Monkeys live in most of the warmer regions in the world, counting Asia, Africa and South America. There is however one monkey species that lives in Europe as well. They are not often seen in the wild in Australia, North America and Antarctica.
Monkey is a primate of the Haplorrhini suborder and simian infraorder. They live in warmer areas of the world including Africa, Asia and South America. They live in communities called troops, though those that live on the ground have more tightly organized social rules than the ones living in trees.
Monkeys live in rainforest areas where trees, food and water are all readily available. They naturally have a long tail and prehensile feet. A monkey is an animal that is part of the primate family.
Monkeys live in the forest and jungle. In America, most people only see monkeys in the zoo. If you want to see monkeys in a wild habitat, go to Africa and take a tour!
Different species of monkey live in different parts of the world. Gorillas live in the lowland areas of the tropics. They are dwindling in number as they are hunted and their habitat is being destroyed.
题目二:Monkey Habitat
Monkey habitat is identified across Asia, Africa and Central and South America. The species are rarely seen in the wild in Australia, North America or Antarctica. The mammals show a distinct preference for the tropical rainforests. A few are also sighted in mountainous regions, plains and grasslands. Depending on the terrain of their natural habitat, monkeys live in trees or on the ground. In the ecology of the rainforest, the species plays a very vital role in dispersion of seed. Most monkeys avoid wetlands, but are good swimmers. New World Monkeys mostly inhabit Central and South America, while their Old World counterparts are a common sight on the terrains of Asia and Africa.
以上就是雅思这次为备考雅思口语的同学们准备的雅思口语话题题库之monkey的雅思口语答案,考生们可以拿做参考,但实战中较好不要遥照搬,雅思口语范文只是为考生们做个示范,实战中还是要发挥自身的特遥。 希望大家对雅思口语话题有所熟悉并了解考官的提问思路。 今后还会有更多2014较新遥雅思口语话题,尽情期待。