


2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思口语范文:Movies  74.
Do you often go to the cinema?
  Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible.
I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies.
We have a great time, like for example when our favorite star is playing a lead role in the movie.
Do you often go to the cinema?
  Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible.
I believe that films are a wonderful form of art.
Please allow me to explain.
Firstly, in films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction.
For example, recently I have seen the drama Titanic, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made.
The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding.
Another example would be the thriller with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins in the lead role called Silence of the lambs.
It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time.
Do you often go to the theater?
I have never been to the theater.
Firstly, it is too expensive for me.
I prefer to go to the cinema.
Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring.
What I mean to say is that the actors are on the same stage the whole time.
I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.
What kinds of movies do you like best?
  I like comedies.
First of all, comedies are great fun.
What I mean to say is that I have a good laugh while watching.
Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes.
For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy.
Lastly, comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars.
For example, Robbie Williams in Mrs.
Doubtfire is considered one of the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.