


2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
2012雅思口语新卡片及PART2应对策略  名师讲解如何应对雅思口语PART2   TIP1:卡片要合理串联   雅思口语话题卡片共有50张,考生需要学会合理串联,这样对复习备考也是很有帮助的。
  例如:   A Bad Weather Experience =   An Occasion When You Got Angry   A Book = A Film = Sth You Want To Buy   TIP2:开门见山   雅思考官的思维方式与遥人不同,是直线型思维,遥东老师建议考生要说什么不要拐弯抹角,开门见山。
  考生可用:Okay, let me tell you sth about   Okay, I wanna talk about   Well, the friend I still remember is   TIP3:结尾点题   结尾要有个总结概括的句子,要点题,重复一下自己的观点。
  Thats all about my favoiurite film   Anyway, my father has an important influence on my life   To sum up, this is the   TIP4:复述不等于背诵   名师建议考生不要盲目背诵卡片题目,要学会复述,复述是考生把话题准备好之后挑出一些核心关键词,然后连词成句。
  如:let me grandfather   70, retired, kind hearted   pleasant face, exercise   optimism, respect, honest