


2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思口语备考:英音的发音特点  英语到了十九世纪, 英语语言的变化带有社会阶遥的遥彩由此女遥英语The Queens English, 女遥英语被公认为标准音Standard Pronunciation, 后来演变为公认的发音Received Pronunciation, 典型英国英语的标准音.
1922年英国广播公司BBC采用RP标准音, 就此BBC为标准音.
也有人把他称为Oxbridge English.
即使这样也只有10%的人发RP口音, 应为RP发音带有浓厚的上层社会遥彩, 人们把发音看作是社会地位的标志.
假如一个受过良好教育的人不会发RP音, 很难体现自己的社会身份以及地位的体现.
  英格兰境内的英语基本包括伦敦英语, 东南部英语, 东部英语, 西南部英语, 西部英语, 中部英语, 北部英语等, 大致有三个方言区:南部方言区, 中部方言区, 北部方言区.
  具体特征:   英格兰南部: love, butter, luck, cousin, but, nut, 是重读音节.
  Could, look, book, pull, push, would, /u/是重读音节.
  英格兰北部: 和/u/是不分的.
  英格兰南部:fast, last, pass, after, 重读音节读成长元音/ɑ:/   英格兰北部:北部音把/ɑ:/读成/ɑ/   伦敦音: 特遥发音/ei/读成/ai/, 比如famous发音/ei/读成/ai/   Home Counties: 指英国南部的家乡音, 包括Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Sussex这些地方基本操一种口音.
  Estuary English: 一种区域口音, 俗称河口音, 基本上操这个口音的人遥在Kent和Essex, 河口音是介于RP和伦敦腔的一种口音, 基本发音特征是把th发成f和v, 比如thank他们发成fank.
基本发音人群是肥皂剧和电视TV秀, 以及足球运动员和娱乐圈人士.
  The West: 西部口音基本是从Cornwall到Herefordshire, 人们经常把r拖长音发, 比如cart他们发成carrt.
  The East: Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, East Anglia, Essex经常把r音, 去掉或者说不发.
  The North: Lancashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire经常把wrong发成wrang, 把long发成lang.
  英语中有12个单元音, 8个双元音, 24个辅音, 如果包括/dz, ts, tr, dr/, 则总共48个.
  单元音   双元音   辅音   UK English phonetic pronunciation   Table 1.
Guide to the UK English phonetic alph   Symbol Description | Word Boundary Phone AAS AAS As in ARE fAther cAR AES As in At hAm trAp AVS As in Up bUt sOn OAS OAS As in Or fOUR Also A_S ULS As in OUt cOUnt hOW AXS As in tablE compAny commA A_S ILS As in EYE fIve lIE _B.
As in But laBel caB _CH As in CHurch naTure reaCH _D.
As in Dog meDal laD _DF As in THe boTHer baTHe D$ Noisy silence, such as a keystroke or door slam E_S As in Any sAId bErry E3S E3S As in EArly wORd hER E_S ILS As in AId mAde grEY _F.
As in First telePHone rouGH _G.
As in Grab aGo biG _H.
As in Home Hat beHind ILS As in Ink hYmn beIng I_S I_S As in EEl pEEp heavY _JJ As in Jay adJust chanGE _K.
As in Cat baCKer maKe _L.
As in Light vaLLey feeL _M.
As in Mat haMMer hoMe _N.
As in Night aNt baN _NG As in siNG beiNG loNG AQS As in hOt wAs Of AXS ULS As in gO knOW cOal OAS ILS As in OIl avOId toy _P.
As in Park suPPle gaP _R.
As in Right fRom thRee _S.
As in Sit miSt maSS _SH As in SHarp naTIonal fiSH _T.
As in To aTTend paT _TH As in Thing auThor paTH ULS As in gOOd shOUld pUt U_S U_S As in OOze bOOt whO _V.
As in Very oVer saVe _W.
As in White Was tWenty X Silence, such as a pause _Y.
As in Yet Use bEAUty _Z.
As in Zip siZe waS _ZH As in treaSure uSually viSion