

雅思口语话题:Art Galleries and Museums

2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思口语话题:Art Galleries and Museums  What experience of art did you have when you were younger?
  What kinds of art are you good at?
   What kind of art are you best at?
  Do you think art is an important part of life?
  Which kind of art do you think is more important, the art we see in the cinema or the art we see in art galleries and museums?
  Are there any museums or art galleries in your hometown?
  Do people in China like visiting museums and art galleries?
   Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?
  Did you ever go to art galleries or museums when you were a child?
   Have you ever visited an art gallery or museum?
   Do you think people should go to art galleries and museums?
   What effects do museums and art galleries have on people ?
   Do you think people can learn anything from art galleries and museums?
   What can people learn from art galleries and museums?
  Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficial for children?
  Do schools in China have excursions to museums?
   Do you think teachers should take their students on visits to museums?