

雅思口语part 2话题:Something Difficult You Did

2016-02-29 00:00:00浏览:
雅思口语part 2话题:Something Difficult You Did  Something Difficult You Did   Describe something difficult you did.
  You should say:   what is was   when and where you did it   who was with you   and explain why you think this was difficult.
  Part3   What challenges do young people face today?
  Do you think theres much difference between the challenges that people face today and those that people faced in the past?
  What are some examples of dangerous jobs in your country?
  Do you think ambition is good for young people?
  What ambitions do most young people have today?
  In your country, what are some ways that people celebrate success in your country?
  What motivates people to develop themselves?