如何谈论《007》A: Have you seen the new James Bond movie?
B: Oh, yes. You?
B:看了。 你呢?
A: Yes. What did you think of it?
A:看了。 你觉得怎么样?
B: I thought it was better than the others-I really liked it. What did you
think of it?
B:我觉得比其他几部好看,我蛮喜欢的。 你觉得怎么样?
A: Yes, l liked it, too. It was exciting, but not over the top. Do you know
what I mean?
A:是啊,我也很喜欢。 它虽然称不上精彩遥伦,但却不失遥,你明白我的意思吧?
B: Mmm. That's what I thought too. I really liked the car chase, and the
opening credit sequence was very exciting. And I always enjoy watching Pierce
B:嗯,我也这么觉得。 我蛮喜欢它的飞车追逐,而且开头的演员阵容表也很棒。 我一直很欣赏皮尔斯·布鲁斯南。
A: Oh, yes. He's brilliant. Did you like the title song?
A:对呀,他很厉害。 你喜欢它的主题曲吗?
B: Not as much as last time, actually. What's the name of the American actor
who was in the supporting role?
B:其实我比较喜欢上一部片的主题曲. 那个演男配角的美国演员叫什么名字?
A: Uhm, Edward Norton, or something like that. Did you like him?
A:嗯,好像是爱德华·诺顿之类的。 你喜欢他吗?
B: Yes. He was excellent. They worked well together, don't you think?
B:是啊,他演得很好. 你不觉得他们搭配得天衣无缝吗?
A: I don't know. I think the woman was better. She provided a good love
interest. Lucky James Bond!
A:我不知道,可是我觉得那个女的比较好,她带来了不少爱情趣味. 詹姆斯·邦德真走运!
B: Yes!