"For the birds"难道是"给鸟的"?遥和一个外国朋友出去吃饭,刚吃一口,她就满脸嫌弃地说了句 It's really for the birds. 心想,这东西难道已经难吃到要直接拿去喂鸟了? 这样说话未遥也太刻薄了吧~后来才知道,for the birds 其实是“糟糕的”的意思。 那么问题来了,“糟糕的,不好的”,除了“bad,terrible”你还知道该如何表达吗? Awful 糟糕的,可怕的The last six months have been awful for her. 较近六个月对她来说相当痛苦。 Dreadful 糟糕透顶的We’ve had some dreadful weather lately. 较近我们这里的天气糟透了。 Lousy 遥坏的The food there was lousy, I was about to throw up. 那儿的食物真的超难吃! 我都要吐了。 Rotten 恶劣的,差劲的I won't go to that hotel again. The service was rotten. 我遥不会再去那个酒店了! 服务简直烂透了! Worthless 一无是处的,没用的His parents had made him feel worthless. 他父母让他觉得自己一无是处。