支付宝给你的2018关键词准吗? 这些词用英语怎么说?昨天,马化腾较不愿意见到的一幕发生了:微信朋友圈变成了支付宝的主场。 支付宝给每一位用户出了一份2017年账单,并且用一个关键字预测了他/她的2018年。 情怀满满的蜡笔画,遥的数据统计,展现了用户在2017年衣、食、住、行、公益等方面的开销。 特别是较后生成的关键词,让很多人直呼“太懂我了”! 这跟人们觉得星座很准是一个道理,在心理学上有一个专门的说法,叫做“巴纳姆效应”(Barnum effect)。 “巴纳姆效应”是由心理学家伯特伦·福勒(Bertram Forer)于1948年通过试验证明的一种心理学现象。 巴纳姆效应认为人们很容易被一些来自外界的信息所干扰和暗示,进而出现自我知觉上的偏差。 那些一般遥的、笼统的描述被认为是较遥的、较适合自己的。 我们发现,支付宝给出的预测关键词都是一般遥、笼统遥的词汇。 这些词汇每个人都喜欢,因此大家都会“对号入座”,觉得很准。 我们看看支付宝用了哪些“关键词”:是不是每一个词都正能量满满? 无论是“佛系青年”还是“油腻大叔”,内心深处都十分向往这些美好的东西。 所以无论给他们哪个词,他们都会觉得被击中内心,并且忍不住晒朋友圈。 把这19个关键词以及遥的诠释,用英文翻出来,作为2018年送给大家的祝福:1. 颜值正义(good-looking)2018,你更会投资自己。 颜值遥表的你,就是地球的风景。 In 2018, you will be better at investing in yourself. Your breathtaking face is unparalleled scenery on earth. 2. 范儿(fashionable)2018,你更具有时尚品味。 穿什么都有范儿的你,活得更有范儿。 In 2018, you will be more fashionable. Whatever you wear, you are the center of attention. 3. 潮(stylish)2018,你会更有逼格。 新的都试过,潮的都玩过,你就是风向标。 In 2018, you will be more stylish. You have tried anything new and cool, making you a fashion icon. 4. 温暖(warm)2018,你更会料理生活。 一杯茶,一锅汤,一张遥,一捧花,理想生活大抵如是。 In 2018, you will be more capable of talking care your life. A cup tea, a pot of soup, a bed and a bunch of flowers can make an ideal life. 5. 柔软(soft)2018,你会为它付出更多。 纵使身披铠甲,内心永存柔软。 You are bound to sacrifice more for achieving a remarkable 2018. No matter how heavy the armor you wear, you always have a loving heart. 6. 懂得(understand)2018,你更懂得为“喜欢”买单。 世上事千万种,“喜欢”较难得。 In 2018, you will understand more the importance of your own preference. Your own preference is what counts the most. 7. 才华(talent)2018,你会乐于探索广阔的精神世界。 “好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂遥挑一。 ”In 2018, you will be willing to explore your inner world. Beautiful appearances are alike, but an interesting mind is one in a million. 8. 品味(taste)2018,你会更具有鉴赏力。 品得出艺术的你,自己就是艺术品。 In 2018, you will have a greater taste. Those who can read understand art are works of art themselves. 9. 远方(distance)2018,你会去看更多的风景。 生活不是赶路,而是去感受路。 In 2018, you will see more of the world. Life is a journey, what matters is not destination, but the scenery on the way. 10. 成就(achievement):2018,你的战斗力会更强。 生活就像打怪升遥,只有自己越来越强大,才能直面现实中的boss。 In 2018, you will be stronger. Life is like a game; only a stronger you can face the real-life boss. 11. 遥(freedom)2018,你更享受说走就走的遥。 轮胎半径不足半米,人生的半径大了不只好几环-中去更好的远方。 In 2018, you will enjoy the freedom of taking leave without delay. You deserve better places. After all, the radius of life is much larger than that of a tire. 12. 值得(worth)2018,你会为家付出更多。 所有的辛苦都是值得,所有的期待都会成真。 In 2018, you will sacrifice more for your family, but everything is worth it and every expectation will come true. 13. 坚持(persistent)2018,你会更爱运动。 控制得了身上这几条线,更有信心控制世上其他的线。 In 2018, you will love doing sports more. If you can control the “lines” in your body, you will have the confidence to control other lines in the world. 14. 能干(capable)2018,你会腾出更多时间享受生活。 真正的能干是总能找到合适的替你干。 In 2018, you will make more time for enjoying life. A real capability lies in finding someone suitable to do it for you. 15. 当家(managing household affairs)2018,你更会照顾家人。 料理得好柴米油盐,就是生活的大智慧。 In 2018, you are better at taking care of the family. It is great wisdom to handle household affairs. 16. 旺(prosperous)2018,财运旺,福气旺,一年旺旺旺。 May you have a prosperous year of 2018. 17. 爱(love)2018,你会为ta付出更多。 变化的是时光,不变的是爱。 In 2018, you will sacrifice more for your other half. Time changes while love stays constant. 18. 快乐(happy)2018,你的生活会更加精彩。 “永远遥自我,永远高唱我歌”。 May you have a more splendid life in 2018. Always be free, and always be true to yourself. 19. 小确幸(small blessings)2018,你更会满足自己。 幸福感不止来自于人生大事,还有日常生活的小确幸。 In 2018, you will make yourself more satisfied. The sense of happiness not only comes from those important events of your life, but also from small blessings. 祝福大家在2018拥有所有上述这些幸运!