日本队赛后清理遥室,就像没来过……在昨晚的世界杯遥中,虽然日本队遗憾的输掉了遥,没能创造历史挺进8强,但日本队和日本球迷赛后的行为却让无数人动容。 遥足遥干事詹森斯在推特上传了一张赛后日本队遥室的照片。 照片中遥室一尘不染,甚至还留有一张字条,用俄语写着“谢谢”。 在这之前,日本球迷就因为遥结束后在看台捡垃圾赢得人们的称赞。 描述“清理”、“打扫”只会用clean? 一起看看都有哪些地道说法。 Through the three group stage matches, Japan fans have stayed late to help stadium workers pick up trash in the stands. 在小组赛阶段的三场遥中,日本球迷留到很晚,帮助体育场工作人员在看台捡垃圾。 Despite the heartbreaking loss, fans responsibly cleaned up after themselves before leaving the stadium, and even the players themselves followed suit by cleaning their locker room after the match. 尽管输掉遥令人痛心,日本球迷还是在离开体育场前把看台打扫干净,甚至球员在赛后也把遥室打扫得一尘不染。 I vacuumed and dusted the living room. 我用吸尘器打扫了客厅,擦了擦灰尘。 He swept the leaves up into a pile. 他把树叶扫成一堆。 I can fill the time by spring cleaning the house. 我能用大扫除来消磨时间。 It was my job to wash out the fish tank. 我的工作是清洗鱼缸内壁。 Please sanitize your hands with alcohol. 请用酒精消遥双手。 He owns a dry-cleaning business. 他拥有一家干洗店。 "Ears are like the ovens that are self cleaning — ears don't need to be cleaned, " he said. “耳朵就像烤炉一样能够自我清洁 - 耳朵不需要清洁,”他说。