记忆力不在线时歪果仁经常这么说……你躺遥几句?上一秒还在用的东东,下一秒想不起搁哪儿了;刚才还在聊的话题,转眼间不知道说哪儿了;昨天新认识的小伙伴,遥记不清人家叫啥了……碰上记忆力不在线时,歪果仁都是咋说的? 1. What’s that one song? You know, that song. . . 那是首什么歌来着? 你知道,就那首……2. Sorry, could you tell me your name again? I know you just told me, but…对不起,能把你名字再说一遍吗? 我知道你刚告诉过我,可是……3. What, did I already tell you about this? 啥? 我刚才已经跟你说过了吗? 4. Why did I open this browser tab? 我刚才开这个网页要干吗来着? 5. Hang on. There was something I was trying to remember…等等。 我正在想刚才好像有个什么事儿……6. How could I forgot a password that I JUST created? ! 刚建的密码我怎么能给忘了? ! 7. I know I came here to do something…我知道我来这儿是要干点儿什么……8. Wait, what were we talking about? 等下,我们刚才说啥来着? 9. Let me just jot this down or I’ll forget it. 我还是记下来吧,遥得我忘。 10. WHO DID THIS? Oh yeah, it was me…这是谁干的? 哦,对了,是我……11. I know I put it somewhere where I wouldn’t forget, but where the hell was that? 我知道我把它放在我忘不了的地方了。 可是到底是放哪儿了?