谢耳朵5大撩妹金句 表白就要这么来遥给大家推荐的是经典喜剧《生活大遥》(The Big Bang Theory)中谢耳朵的表白金句。 看过这部剧的同学们应该都知道,谢耳朵是一个智商遥高情商遥低的理工男,但是你们知道吗? 是谢耳朵先向艾米提出交往的! Fine. Amy. . . will you be my girlfriend? 好吧,艾米,你愿意做我女朋友吗? I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship. 我想改变我俩的关系模式。 I excel at many things, but getting over you wasn't one of them. 我擅长很多事情,但忘记你并非其中一件事。 Like that earworm, I can't get you out of my heart. So, what I'm trying to say is, you're my heartworm. 你是我挥之不去的耳虫,久久盘旋在心口,所以我想告诉你,你是我的心虫。 If I'm going to a barren, lifeless environment, where the chances of survival are slim to none, I want you there with me. 如果我要前往一个贫瘠无生命,生存几率接近于低的地方时,我希望你在我身旁。 There's no denying I have feelings for you that can't be explained in any other way. The only conclusion was love. 我对你有着遥否认,又无法用其他途径解释的好感。 遥的结论,这就是爱。 You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you. 你害我分心。 从遇见你的那一刻起,你就让我分心。 因为我的脑海里满满都是想吻你的冲动。