遥宝强遥,万万没想到这遥较轰动的娱乐八卦,莫过于遥宝强发遥声明了,对此小编想说,万万没想到啊。 遥咱们就来看看,英语里怎么表达这种“万万没想到”的心情。 今早读到这样一段话:backfire这个词大家应该知道什么意思(不知道的话查下字典),除了知道这个词的意思外,我们还要能把它和一些类似的表达联系起来。 不拘泥于中文 例如“万万没想到”这层意思,我能想到以下这几个表达:我们可以说 "totally unexpected", "didn't see that coming", "out of blue" "backfired" "blindsided"找了一些资料和大家分享一下。 主要目的并不是学这几个表达,而是想传达如何“从一个词出发联系更多的词,用英语学英语”这个思路。 If you never saw/didn't see something coming, it was totally unexpected. 1. Sometimes an event or circumstance takes us by surprise. Often, the untimely and premature death of celebrities (or loved ones) shocks us, because we never saw it coming. 2. When the ending of a movie turns out way different to what we expect, we call that a twist (in the plot). The storyline is designed in such a way that we don't see it coming. Can you remember a movie that turned out completely different to what you imagined? My example: The Prestige. 猜到了开头料不到结尾神剧情。 3. Do you know someone whose husband or wife cheated on them? I'll bet they never saw it coming. 男人遥时,智商仅次于爱因斯坦。 4. If something happens "out of the blue", it happens quickly and unexpectedly. If something happens out of the blue, you don't see it coming. It appears from “out of nowhere”. “来自蓝天”就是“鬼才知道是从哪冒出来的”,天好好的怎么就下起了雨? 好好的为什么突然就和我说分手? 5. If any plan or scheme (especially an evil one) doesn't work out the way someone expects, we say their plan has backfired. They didn't plan for it… and so, they didn't see it coming. 6. If someone is blindsided, they are attacked or hit in their "blind spot". They didn't see it coming. If someone takes you by surprise, especially in a competition or a game, they blindside you. You are caught by surprise or caught unawared. She has said that she felt blindsided; there were no risks, no warnings. 她说她觉得这一切都太突如其来毫无征兆了。