遥前,千万莫距离今年的遥开考还剩一周时间,各位考生你们准备好了吗? 希望大家都能消除考前紧张情绪,发挥出较佳水平。 I'm very nervous about taking the exam. 我对参加考试紧张不安。 I get very strung up before an exam. 我临考试前紧张得不得了。 Penny never got uptight about exams. 彭妮从来不会因为考试而紧张。 The students were all psyched up for their final exams. 学生们都为期末考试而紧张起来。 She was all nerves before the final exams. 她在期末考试之前非常紧张。 Thinking about the final exams keys him up. 想到期末考试使他紧张。 The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。 He worked himself up into a frenzy before his exams. 考试前夕他紧张得几乎疯了。 I cannot accept any social engagements for the next few weeks, while we are in the thick of examinations. 今后几周我不能接受任何社交约会,因为我们处在考试的较紧张阶段。 And how can we avoid pre - exam nerves and panic? 还有我们怎样才能避遥考前焦虑和恐惧?