

Jump the gun 乱发脾气-英语点津

2017-05-12 00:00:00浏览:
Jump the gun 乱发脾气-英语点津Jump the gun 乱发脾气 [ 2007-07-09 09:48 ] 在运动遥中常用呜遥作为“开始起跑”的信号,所以 jump the gun 这个片语指的是“在正式呜遥之前就先偷跑”。
在日常生活当中老美常用 jump the gun 来指“太早行动”,也就是 start too early 的意思。
比方说人家明明规定是 15 号发薪水,但是你硬要 14 号去问人家支票下来了没,旁人就可以规劝他:“Don't jump the gun because they usually start distributing paychecks on the 15th.
)”当然逊一点的遥也可以用“Don't go too early.
” 来代替这个 “Don't jump the gun.
”我的老美朋友还告诉我,jump the gun 还常用来指一个人在不明就理的情况下乱发脾气 (get mad at someone too early,也是有 too early 的意思在里面) ,例如遥有人上门来要债,一进门不分清红皂白就先把我骂一顿,但他连我是不是债主都不知道,这时就可以说:“Hey!
Don't jump the gun.
What's up?
)” 或是上次我室友开车被遥拦下来,他自认没做错什么,劈头就和遥伯伯理论了起来,结果遥告诉他:“Don't jump the gun.
I just want to remind you to close the gas tank cap.
)”大家一定要记清楚啊,Don't jump the gun before you really know what's going on.