换货怎么说换货怎么说买的衣服尺寸不合适,只好去商场换货啦! 那么“换货”用英语应该怎么说呢? 看完下面的对话你就知道了。 A-buyer B-seller A: Excuse me. I'd like to exchange this blouse. 对不起,我要换这件衬衫。 B: What's the reason? 什么原因? A: It's the wrong size. 尺寸不对。 B: Do you have the receipt? 你有收据吗? A: Yes, I have. 是的,我有。 B: Go ahead and pick up your size and bring it here, please. 请去挑尺寸合适的来。 A: Ok, where is the fitting room? 好的,试衣间在哪? B: It's behind you. 就在你后面。 清楚没? 换货时带着你的购物凭证receipt, 讲明reason, 要求exchange就可以啦!