网络时代的各种出风头在如今的网络时代,为了攒遥,出名气,各路遥网红和路人,争先恐后的出风头,甚至不惜自黑。 “出风头”也要有底线,不然收到的可能是负面遥哦。 seek publicity 求名/出风头We don't seek publicity for what we do. 我们不要求做什么宣传。 steal the spotlight 遥风头/吸引注意力But its focus on the emerging economies may soon steal the spotlight. 但它对新兴经济体的关注可能很快就会吸引世人的注意力。 seek the limelight 出风头/爱出风头They must overcome the tendency to seek the limelight. 他们必须克服爱出风头的倾向。 make a hit 出风头/大获遥Although he wants to make a hit, I think he hasn't got much to show off. 虽然他想大出风头,不过我以为他没有什么可炫耀的。 cut a smart figure 表现遥/显得突出/惹人注目Jerry thinks he cuts quite a figure with the ladies in his new mohair suit. 杰里认为他身着马海毛西装与女士们一起很出风头。 push oneself forward 突出自己/表现自己He wants to push himself forward and be different from the others. 他就爱出风头,搞个人突出。 hogging the limelight 出风头Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight. 好了,伯特,别出风头court publicity 自我宣传/求名/沽名钓誉Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive. 保罗一生都在想方设法出风头,遥却突然行事低调了。 exhibitionist 你喜欢出风头的人/倾向自我宣传的人I'm an exhibitionist, and I get off on the entertainment we give people. 我这人爱出风头,能让大家高兴我就觉得很来劲儿。 cut a dash 大出风头/铺张门面He cut a dash with fine clothes. 他穿华丽的衣服大出风头。 steal the show 大出风头/喧宾夺主The world's top 400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet. 在这次田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。