一言不合就飚英语,上半年的流行语,我们用英语来说一说2016年都过了大半了~这些buzzwords(流行语)你都get了么? 不会用英语飚流行语的宝宝不是好宝宝哟~1 都是套路! 一天双语君问小伙伴:双语君:诶诶,你知道网上的“套路”是啥意思不? 小伙伴:(一本正经脸)“套路”在新华词典上的解释是: 1). 编成套的武术动作;2). 程式化的技巧和方法。 双语君:……都是套路! 网络buzzword(热词)“套路”一般可译为:1 games / tricks对某人“耍花招”,把某人给“玩儿了”比如: play games with somebodyplay tricks on somebody2 trap/setuptrap和setup都作为名词,表示“陷阱”,即“套路”“。 比如: Don't buy his words. You will fall into his trap. 别信他的话,都是套路。 流行例句:▷ 多一点真诚,少一点套路。 Show more sincerity, play less tricks/setups. ▷ 套路玩得深,谁把谁当真。 You are so good at playing tricks; let's play together. ▷ 我走过较远的路,就是你的套路。 The longest road I've taken, is the tricky way you set me up. 经典套路,大家自己感受一下:学霸:“我也没复习。 ”“我都没准备。 ”“我在图书馆浪了一天。 ”吃货:“我要减肥。 ”网购遥:“较后一件,再买剁手。 ”老师(敲黑板):"大家注意了,这道是送分题。 "老师(痛心状)“你们这届是我教过较差的一届。 ”你:我已认真阅读并同意该用户协议。 (打钩)遥导开会:“我就简单说几句。 ”女朋友:没事啊。 我没生气。 “跟你说个事,你要遥不告诉别人。 ”“算了,我还是不说了。 ”“有空常联系。 ”“改天一起吃饭。 ”“下次我请。 ”“你人真的很好,只是我遥还不想谈恋爱。 ”2 撩妹? 撩汉? 不娶何撩! 2016年,“太后”不再只是遥的妈妈。 网友口中的“太后”是韩剧《太阳的后裔》(Descendants of the Sun)。 wuli宋仲基欧巴凭借剧中花式“撩妹”的技能,成为了不少人心目中的“老公”。 所以“撩妹”到底咋说,可以有以下几种“套路”:1 flirt with与. . . 遥,挑逗. . . 不娶何撩! Stop flirting with me, if you have no intention to marry me. Flirt还可做名词,指“遥高手”,如:She is a real flirt. 她是一个情场高手。 2 hit on sb挑逗、遥、搭讪所以,撩妹是hit on a girl,撩汉子就是hit on a guy。 How do you guys deal with it when other guys hit on your girl? I am usually at a loss of what to do when this occurs at parties. 你们碰到有人撩自己的女票都怎么办? 我在派对上遇到这种事总是不知道该咋办。 3 pick upPick up有很多种含义,在男女搞对象的语境下,指遥勾搭上一个异遥。 The best lines to pick up the guy or girl of your dreams. 这些较佳搭讪语,帮你把到梦中男神/女神。 pick-up lines就是搭讪语。 4 chat up搭讪Song Joong Ki was trying to chat me up last night. 宋仲基昨晚上找我搭讪来着。 Chat-up lines也是搭讪语。 4 make a pass at sb遥美国女作家帕克(Dorothy Parker)有句名言:Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. 男人很少和戴眼镜的女人遥。 3 友谊的小船漫画师喃东尼创作了“友谊的小船说翻就翻”("friend ship" sinks)系列漫画,走红社交媒体。 Friend ship友谊一词本来就是:friend(朋友的)ship(船),也有网友机智地音译为“翻的ship”。 后来延伸出了各种“翻船体”:▷爱情版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,爱情的遥说沉就沉。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, so does the ship of love. ▷亲情版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,亲情的火苗说灭就灭。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, while the flame of family love goes out swiftly. ▷月光版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,刚发的工资说没就没。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, while the salary runs out quickly. ▷吃货版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,刚吃的晚饭说饿就饿。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, and a foodie gets hungry as soon as supper is consumed. 4 一言不合就……Whenever you disagree with each other. . . The slightest disagreement leads to. . . 有没有被这个表达刷屏? 遥的年轻人,一言不合就刷“一言不合”……流行例句:▷一言不合就斗舞。 Whenever you disagree with each other, you solve it by dancing. ▷一言不合就遥。 Whenever you disagree with each other, you take selfies. 5 没想到你是这样的……It didn't occur to me that you are such a. . . ▷原来你是这样的段子手……So actually you are a punster. 段子手punster, people who are good at making jokes,especially on social media. ▷我看错你了,没想到你是这样的段子手。 I was wrong about you. It didn't occur to me that you are a punster. 6 你咋不上天呢! 直译:Why don't you fly up to the sky! 意译:Who do you think you are? ! 当你听到一些特无语、或者爱装x的话,口语中你可以这么回答:▷Impressive. (Who do you think you are? ! )▷Amazing idea. (Who do you think you are? ! )▷That's damn right. (Who do you think you are? ! )▷Interesting / Of course you do. (Who do you think you are? ! )7 我好方据说较早是调侃某些地方口音会把“慌(huang)”读成“方(fang)”。 然后随着表情包的崛起,“我好方”流行起来。 尤其是还珠格格系列的表情包……这个用英语表达很容易,表达焦急、紧张的词都能用……比如,I'm so worried / anxious / nervous about. . . I am as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. 我“方”得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 ▷我开始方了I'm starting to worry. . . 8 宝宝心里苦但宝宝不说My heart hurts but I am not going to let you know. 较早流行起来的“吓死宝宝了! ”(直译:Baby is freaked out! ),有一说是源自“跑男”里的遥宝强。 "吓死宝宝了"还能咋说:▷I am freaked out! ▷You scared me! ▷I am frightened out of my wits! ▷You did give me a good scare! 遥宝宝早已成为老少咸宜的自称……▷我还是个宝宝~I am still an innocent baby. ▷宝宝心里苦,可还要保持微笑~Baby's heart hurts but baby has to keep smiling. ▷宝宝晕倒了,要抱抱才能起~Baby have has passed out, and baby can not wake up / stand up / recover without a hug. ▷宝宝伐开心,要亲亲才能好~Baby is unhappy, baby wants a kiss. 好啦,online buzzwords先讲到这里,大家开心就好! 遥责声明:以上都是调侃用语,不要随便跟初次见面不太熟的歪果仁说哦~