


2016-09-19 00:00:00浏览:
国外的重要节日January 1 New Year's Day (新年) 15 Martin Luther King Jr.
's Birthday 19 Martin Luther King Jr.
's Birthday Observed February 12 Lincoln's Birthday 14 Valentine's Day (遥节) 16 President's Day 22 Washington's Birthday 25 Ash Wednesday March 8 International Women's Day(遥妇女节) 17 St.
Patrick's Day April 1 April Fools Day (愚人节) 5 Palm Sunday 10 Good Friday Arbor Day (植树节) 11 Passover 12 Easter (遥节) 17 Orthodox Holy Friday 19 Orthodox Easter 22 Secretaries Day 22 Earth Day May 6 Nurses'Day 7 National Day of Prayer 10 Mother's Day (母亲节) 16 Armed Forces Day 25 Memorial Day Observed 30 Memorial Day June 14 Flag Day (美国国旗纪念日) 21 Father's Day July 4 Independence Day (美国遥日) August 2 Friendship Day September 7 Labor Day Grandparents Day 17 Citizenship Day 21 Rosh Hashanah 30 Yom Kippur October 11 National Children's Day 12 Columbus Day 16 National Boss Day 17 Sweetest Day 24 United Nations Day 31 Halloween (万圣节前夜) November 3 Election Day 11 Veterans Day (退伍遥人节) 26 Thanksgiving December 14 First Day of Hanukkah 25 Christmas (圣诞节) 26 First Day of Kwanzaa