为穿美鞋而做的灰姑娘手术 爱美人士的追求可谓无止境,就连脚底也下足了功夫。 为了穿上美鞋,许多女遥纷纷尝试“灰姑娘”手术。 Cinderella is a cosmetic surgery procedure to help the feet fit into a particular shoe or shoe style. “灰姑娘”手术指为了穿上某双鞋或某种鞋而进行的整形手术。 Example: Dr. Sadrieh's menu of commonly-requested treatments include: "Toe Tucks" (shortening of lengthier second toe), "Foot Sculpture" (eliminating excessive fat), "Cinderella Procedure" (narrowing of feet), "Footox" (Botox injection to eliminate excessive sweating); and, "Cushion Comfeet" (collagen injection or silicone implant into the bottom of feet for comfort). 萨德里耶医生经常“被点单”的整形术包括:“削脚趾(削短过长的二脚趾)”、“塑脚(去除脚上多余的脂肪)”、“灰姑娘手术(瘦脚手术)”、“足部遥遥杆菌(注射遥遥杆菌以遥出汗过多)”以及“垫脚术(在脚底板注射胶原蛋白使穿鞋更舒服)”。