告白较坏结果:踢出朋友圈 在向暗恋已久的朋友告白前,都要做好三种准备,一种是得偿所愿,一种是被拒遥但friend zoned(还是做朋友吧),还有较糟的一种是acquaintance zoned(踢出朋友圈),连朋友也没得做。 You are friend zoned when a member of the opposite sex (usually one you want to hook up with) declares you to be "just a friend", thereby ruining all potential chances of sex. 当你想追求的异遥宣告你只是他(她)的朋友时,你就此被“划入朋友圈”,你俩之间从此再无可能。 Acquaintance zoned is similar to being friend zoned, only far worse. While being friend zoned can sometimes produce a friend, being acquaintance zoned produces nothing. “划入熟人圈”比“划入朋友圈”还惨,“划入朋友圈”至少还能做做朋友,“划入熟人圈”连朋友都做不成。 Example: Josh: So how did asking out Sarah go? Larry: Not well at all. No interest. Josh: Friend zoned? Larry: Worse. Acquaintance zoned. 乔什:你把莎拉约出来那事怎么样啦? 拉里:糟透了。 她对我一点兴趣也没有。 乔什:她给你“好人卡”啦? /她想和你做普通朋友? 拉里:比那更糟。 连朋友也没得做。