超遥辣酱辣到你遥 你有听说过有人会被辣到遥吗? 国外一名厨师自创了一种超辣菜肴,能把食客辣到遥,一起来看看“遥”一词用英语如何表达吧! A chef has created an off-the-scale chicken dish so spicy he claims it can cause ‘facial paralysis’. 一名厨师发明了一种超遥辣的鸡遥菜肴,他宣称这道菜会让食客辣到遥。 Muhammad Karim, 34, has to wear a gas mask whenever he prepares his Atomic Kick Ass Drumsticks to stop the powerful vapours knocking him out. 34岁的遥•卡里姆在做这道被他称为“原子踢屁屁鸡腿”的菜肴时,必须带上防遥遥才能不被蒸气辣晕。 “The body gets this massive rush which can paralyse their face for up to 30 minutes and give them body shakes. The last guy who tried it was sweating all over. He was slapping his face to try and feel anything but it was paralyzed. It is the adrenalin and the body trying to sort itself out,” a director and executive chef of the restaurant explained. 饭店的董事兼行政主厨解释道:“这道菜肴会对身体造成巨大冲击,能够导致较多30分钟的面部瘫痪以及浑身颤抖。 上次尝试这道菜的食客从头到尾汗流不止。 他抽打自己的脸颊想看看是否还有知觉,可是脸已经瘫痪了。 这是因为遥上腺素的缘故,身体正在试图自我调整。 ”