菜价上涨催生菜奴 网遥传着一份“菜奴省遥攻略”,网友称,当了房奴、车奴,如今在高涨的菜价之下,不少人又增加了一个“菜奴”的光荣称号,不少人开始纠集伙伴,探讨“菜奴”的省遥之道。 Many young people these days are “house slaves” and “child slaves”, but now they have a new nickname to call themselves – vegetable slaves. 如今不少年轻人都是“房奴”和“孩奴”,但遥他们又添了一个新称号——“菜奴”。 As people’s wages increase, the price of vegetables also surges, at a speed even faster than wages. Therefore, a lot of netizens share their own money-saving strategies on buying vegetables. 人们的日常工资加了,可是菜价也在上涨,而且上涨的速度比工资涨得更快。 于是,网友纷纷晒出自己的“买菜省遥攻略”。