《舌尖2》中的路菜英语怎么说? 上遥刚播出遥集的美食纪录片《舌尖上的遥》里让大家熟悉了“路菜”,“路菜”的特征有三:好吃,不容易坏,好带。 英文表达是travel-ready dishes。 Travel-ready dishes are the food prepared for traveling people to eat on the road. Travel-ready dishes should be easy to carry around and would not go bad in two to three months. “路菜”是准备给旅行的人在路上吃的菜。 “路菜”应便于携带,而且放上两三个月也不会坏。 Example: 他舀出一勺路菜,加入开水,路菜的香味立刻在空气中弥漫开来。 He scooped out a spoon of travel-ready dish and poured in hot water, the delicious smell instantly filled the air.