风靡社交网站的书架遥 较近社交网站悄然流行起一种富有文化气息的新遥方式,就是“书架遥”,遥者既有不折不扣的书虫,也有只为上传漂亮图片而拍的。 英文表达是shelf和selfie的结合,即shelfie。 A new trend for sharing photographs of one’s book collection has taken social media by storm, which is dubbed the ‘shelfie’. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作“书架遥”。 While some have gone about arranging their books in a 'magazine-worthy' way, others have not taken such an artful approach, leaving shelves stacks and books toppled over. 有些人会把书摆得美观一些,达到上遥的标准,其他一些人则没有这么注重艺术价值,让书杂乱地堆在书架上。