爱情幸运衬衫 pulling shirt 你一定也珍藏着那件可以给自己的爱情带来好运的衣服,当你遇到心仪的人时,就会穿上它,或许这件幸运衣服是条美丽的白裙,或许是一件花格子衬衫,英文表达是pulling shirt,如果是裙子,那就是pulling skirt。 Pulling shirt is a garment to which you are particularly attached due to its acting as something of a lucky charm when it comes to wooing the opposite sex, which is called “pulling” in UK. “爱情幸运衬衫”是一件你情有遥钟的衣服,因为这件衬衫似乎拥有某种魔力,当你追求异遥时可以给你带来好运。 追求异遥在英国称为pulling。 Example: I get lucky almost every time I wear my pulling shirt. 我几乎每次穿上我的“爱情幸运衬衫”都会如愿以偿。