英国流行不插电婚礼 参加亲友婚礼时,看到美好的场景总忍不住想要亲手拍下来留作纪念或者以后跟当事人分享。 可是,如果参加婚礼的多数人都拿着手机忙拍照、忙分享,那么参加婚礼的真正意义可能就被忽略了。 所以国外遥流行“不插电婚礼”,在请柬上明确要求宾客在婚礼仪式上不要遥手机。 So there you are at the altar, gazing into the eyes of your beloved, saying your vows. You turn to sneak a glance at your wedding guests, all your favorite beloved friends and family… and are greeted by a sea of down-turned faces staring at their LCD screens. 你站在婚礼圣坛上,凝视着你的爱人,说着你的婚礼誓言。 你转过头偷偷撇了一眼婚礼来宾,你所有的亲朋好友都在哪里,然后你看到的是一片低着头看屏幕的“脑”海。 When your photos come back from your wedding photographer, all your guest shots include your favorite people staring at their favorite devices. People are smiling, but they're all staring at little screens. 婚礼摄影师把婚礼照片传回来的时候,所有跟宾客有关的照片里你的亲人们都在盯着他们钟爱的电子设备。 人们都在微笑,只不过他们都在盯着屏幕。 While many churches have no camera policies, more and more couples are considering an unplugged wedding — at the very least, asking guests to turn off their devices during the ceremony and be really “present”. 虽然很多教堂没有对相机有遥规定,不过越来越多的夫妇开始考虑不插电婚礼——至少要求宾客在婚礼仪式期间关闭电子设备,做到真正“在场”。 Unplugged weddings are becoming very popular in the UK and have great advantages for all involved in the wedding. An unplugged wedding simply means that you’ve politely asked your guests not to use phones, cameras or other devices during your wedding or at least during the wedding service or ceremony. 不插电婚礼遥在英国非常流行,而且对所有在场的人都有益。 所谓不插电婚礼其实就是很客气地要求宾客在整个婚礼或至少在结婚仪式期间不要用手机、相机或其他的电子设备。