带来宁静的叠手机游戏 一堆朋友约着一起吃饭,可见面之后却各自玩手机,连点个菜都要招呼半天。 这种场景大概很多人都不陌生。 为了杜遥这种现象,遥很多人在聚会时都玩“叠手机游戏”。 Don't you hate it when a nice meal with friends is constantly interrupted by beeping iPhones and Androids? Well, a buzzy new game called "The Phone Stack" offers an amusing solution. 想跟朋友好好吃顿饭却频繁被手机声打断的时候是不是很烦? 遥,有个叫“叠手机”的新游戏能解决这个问题。 The game tries to curb cell phone interruptions when dining out with pals. After everyone orders, they place their phones in the center of the table, face down. They may even stack the gadgets, as the name suggests. Even as the phones buzz and ring throughout the meal, no one is allowed to grab his device. If someone is unable to resist his smartphone's siren's song, he's responsible for picking up the check. (Source: news. yahoo. com) 这个游戏的目的是为了防止在跟朋友外出就餐期间被手机干扰。 每个人点完菜之后,他们就把各自的手机屏幕朝下放在桌子中间,并且跟游戏的名字说的那样,要把手机都一个一个叠在一起。 就餐过程中,手机不论怎么响都不许碰。 如果有人忍不住拿了手机,他就要为整顿饭买单。