只有出游才见面的度假恋人 恋人每天在一起,时间长了遥不了吵吵闹闹,不过也有这样一种恋人,他们只有在出外旅游度假时才在一起,所以每次见面总是开开心心的,这种恋爱就叫vacationship(度假恋)。 Vacationship refers to a long-distance relationship in which the couple only gets together for idyllic vacation-like excursions, therefore avoiding the "real-life" issues of dating. “度假恋”指的是一种异地恋,恋人们只有在结伴出游去享受美好假期的时候才在一起,这样就能避遥约会当中遇到的“现实生活”问题。 Example: She met this guy online last summer, but he lives in Austin and doesn't want to move, so they've struck up this very intense vacationship. 她去年夏天在网上认识了这个男人,不过他住在奥斯丁市,也不愿搬到这里来,于是他们就开启了这段热烈的度假恋情。