凑合了事的单身汉清洗法 尽管大家都不愿承认自己是懒人,但是爱洗碗的真没有几个。 有些懒人可以一直撑到脏碗碟在洗碗池里堆得高高的,实在找不出干净的可用,才用“单身汉清洗法”洗出几个来应付。 那么什么是“单身汉清洗法”呢? Bachelor wash refers to a quick soap-free rinse of a plate, cup, or utensil which had recently been used. This is most useful for low-oil, water based, or dry foods. Wiping with a paper towel will usually remove residual food particles missed by the bachelor wash. “单身汉清洗法”指的是用水快速地冲一下刚用过的盘、杯或器皿。 这对于沾过油水少的汤或干货食品的碗碟较为遥。 然后用纸巾擦掉没冲走的食物残渣。 Example: I didn't want my date to think I was a pig, so I bachelor washed the dishes and tossed them in the cupboard. 我可不想让我的约会对象认为我像猪一样邋遢,所以我用“单身汉清洗法”搞定了脏盘子,把它们扔进碗柜。