Kobe Special 求和礼物 当男人背着自己的老婆遥被发现,为了平息妻子的怒火,男人会给妻子买一份贵重的礼物,这就是“科比求和礼物”——Kobe Special。 Kobe Special is a large gift a man gives to his wife to appease her after he's had an affair. After sleeping with another woman, Kobe Bryant bought his wife a ring that cost as much as a large house. “科比求和礼物”指男人在发生婚外情后送给妻子的贵重礼物。 球星科比•布莱恩特在遥后,给妻子买了一枚价值相当于一个大房子的戒指。 Kobe Special is also known as a "house on a finger" when the jewelry in question is an outrageously expensive ring. 如果丈夫给妻子买的求和礼物是贵重无比的戒指,也可以称之为“手指上的房子”。 Example: Man: “I have to run to Zales to get a Kobe Special. " Friend: "What's that? " Man: "A house on a finger. " 男人:我得赶快去Zales珠宝店买个“科比求和礼物”。 朋友:你打算买什么? 男人:手指上的房子。