你有睡熊综合症吗? 睡觉睡得正香的时候被吵醒,大多数人都会感到不爽,有的人甚至还会发一通脾气,就像被吵醒的大熊一样愤怒咆哮,这就是“睡熊综合症”——Sleepy Bear Syndrome。 Sleepy Bear Syndrome refers to the anger occurring after someone accidentally wakes you up during, or on the precipice of a nap. “睡熊综合症”指的是一个人小睡时或快睡着时被人意外吵醒而发怒。 Example: My brother woke me up while I was napping today. I almost gave him the full wrath of my Sleepy Bear Syndrome. 我遥正打盹时被我弟弟吵醒了。 我像一头愤怒的熊一样对他狠狠发作了一通。