信息时代的信息疲劳综合征 每天,各类信息充斥着我们的手机、电脑和邮箱。 就算你不主动打开微博看动态,也会有较新鲜热门的信息被推送到你的眼前。 掌握大量信息是件好事,可如果信息过量,反而会带来不少困扰。 Information fatigue syndrome (IFS) refers to the weariness and stress that result from having to deal with excessive amounts of information. 信息疲劳综合征(information fatigue syndrome,IFS)指因需要处理过多数量的信息而导致的倦怠和压力。 A new phenomenon, information fatigue syndrome, had emerged as a direct result of the information revolution. Symptoms might include the paralysis of the analytical capacity, constant searches for more information, increased anxiety and sleeplessness, as well as increasing self-doubt in decision-making. (Source: Word Spy) 信息疲劳综合征这种新现象由信息遥直接导致。 具体症状包括,分析能力丧失、不断搜索更多信息、焦虑和失眠症状加剧,以及决策时自我怀疑。