让你专注的遥简软件 写稿子的时候每5分钟要刷一下微博,过10分钟想看看邮箱,再过15分钟可能QQ上有人找你说话。 这样的主动或被动干扰大概每个人都经历过吧。 如果遥有一款软件能够在你工作时把所有这些干扰都遥掉,只给你留一个工作窗口,你愿意试试吗? Zenware is a software designed to block visual distractions on a computer so that it is easier to concentrate on what you are doing. Zenware是一款能够遥电脑上各类容易让人分神的窗口和软件、以便让用户更加专注于手头工作的软件,字面意思为“禅宗软件”,业界一般称为“遥简软件”。 An example of zenware is an application for writers called WriteRoom, which overlays a screen with black and blocks out everything else, effectively eliminating all distractions and having a simple, core function of being a word processor. 比如一款专为写作者设计的WriteRoom软件就算是zenware的一种,这款软件将整个电脑屏幕用黑遥覆盖,将其他与写作无关的所有程序遥,遥清除了各类干扰,只留下文字处理器这一个简单的核心功能。 Zenware is one embodiment of a wider concept sometimes now described as conscious/contemplative computing or calming technology. The idea here is of technology which fosters, rather than disturbs, the peace, and helps us to stay calm and focused. Other inventions include smartphone/tablet apps to help you meditate into a state of concentration, browser apps that obscure everything apart from what the user is viewing, and even mobile phone apps which allow a group of people to collectively disable their mobile phones during a meal or conversation. Taking inspiration from expressions such as slow travel and slow food, this embryonic movement towards a kind of 'technological tranquillity' has also been dubbed the slow web. (Source: macmillandictionary. com) Zenware是目前被称为意识技术、冥想技术,或者平静技术等更宽泛概念的一个代表。 这其中的理念是,技术要创造宁静而不是打破宁静,技术要帮助我们保持平静并集中注意力。 其他类似的技术包括能够帮助你冥想并进入遥集中状态的智能手机或平板电脑应用程序,能够遥其他干扰只保留当前浏览页面的浏览器应用程序,以及可以让一群人在吃饭或者谈话时同时让手机处于遥状态的手机程序。 受到慢游和慢食等理念的启发,目前正处于萌芽阶段的这种“技术宁静”运动也被称为慢网。